Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Travel Day and First Day at Sea

The dreaded travel day. Eveything went like clockwork, on time, no traffic, lots of waiting and boredom.

It took us 12 hours elapsed time from when we left home until we boarded the plane in San Francisco to Singapore. It was 1 am when we took off and by that time, we were both very tired. We were served dinner at 3 am our time. We were sitting at the very back of the plane with almost every seat occupied, and I have to say it is a trial in what a human body can withstand. I cannot sleep on an airplane, no way no how. When you think you have put in six hours, you realize you have another nine to go. I have to say that Singapore Airlines services its passengers the way that airlines used to.

I had the pleasure of chatting with the flight attendants. It helped to pass the time. I spent a lot of time standing in the back end of the plane where I could stand and stretch a bit. As I write this, we STILL have another nine hours to go! My knees are killing me from being bent for so long sitting in a cramped seat.

We arrived in Hong Kong for refueling and were able to get off the plane and walk around. I was able to send and receive email from my phone – in China! Off to Singapore -- another 3.5 hours to go.

Arrived in Singapore to hot, muggy, and rainy weather. We went through customs in a flash, picked up our bags, and our ride to the ship was waiting for us. Have to say this was a very long trip, but logistically, everything worked and there were no hitches. Hope the rest of the trip goes as well.

Zombie Land in Room 8108

First Night -- The Living Dead Were Here. We were so tired and all I wanted to do was crash. Every time I lay down, another suitcase was delivered. Since there was no room left in our room with boxes and suitcases spread out all over the place, we had to unpack and put things away. Michael did a few errands (like check out books from the library and get the info from the excursion desk). I gave up trying to take a nap and went to the sail away party and sipped on a Singapore Sling. By 8 pm, I was in bed trying to stay awake until Michael returned from dinner. Finally went to bed at 9 pm and woke up at 11 pm. The rest of the night, neither one of us was able to really sleep and by 5 am, we gave up.

Day 2 – Sea Day

Our first sea day and we went to work. Had a decent turn out considering the ship is only half full. I have met some very interesting people from all over the world. I met our dinner companions for the first time tonight and boy what an interesting group. An Israeli man married to a German woman and a Russian couple who now live in Canada. Fascinating people.

One thing did happen today. I went to transfer this word document from the computer to my phone, so I asked Michael to get the USB cable from his computer case. He looks at me, looks in the case, and looks at me again and said, “didn’t you pack it?” I said, “didn’t you pack it?” Long story short, we have no cable. I went to the computer lab hoping that they would have one. They had chargers, but no USB cables. I went to the concierge and asked them if they had one. Nope. But the nice guy said he would put out an email to the crew to see if anyone had a cable they could loan me. An hour later, the cable was sitting in my cabin!!! How cool is that?!

I’m too tired to continue writing. I would like to be witty and describe these people, but sleep and getting up early to go sightseeing tomorrow in Phuket, Thailand is a priority.

Note to my knitting friends: I do not recommend trying to knit a lace pattern when you are tired. Tinking and frogging is the order of the day when your concentration is shot.


  1. So far things are going well for you. Thanks goodness the crew had the cable you needed. What is your stateroom like?

  2. Good to hear you are finally on the ship. We hope you have a wonderful trip and that you get to experience and see what this world has to offer away from the Northwest. I would also like to know what your accommodations are like.

  3. It sounds like you two are having quite an adventure so far. It's a good thing you're strong. I'm flying to Texas this Sept., and I'm wondering where the best place would be for me to sit with my arthritic knees. I was thinking in front because there's more room right in back of the bulkhead. Is the back, in fact, the best place? Your blogs are very interesting! I'm looking forward to following you on your travels.

  4. SLeep well my dear!

  5. and the adventure begins...keep writing and keeping us posted. of course we will be expecting much witty banter when your eye crusts wear off. love, kelly

  6. Hi:
    Hopefully the tough part is over and when you adjust to time difference you will be able to relax and really enjoy the cruise.

  7. i cant post a comment from my phone, so sorry i dont respond more. everything here is fine. belle is doing great. several b-day parties to go to. sesame street live on may 1st. should be fun. she is having shower time now. we miss you and wish we were there. love you lots, the brassfields

  8. Am really enjoying your shared diary. Please keep us up to date a

    informed. All the best, Bobbie

  9. Yea I did it!!! Excited to hear all went well.
    Will follow your trip and the many adventures.

  10. Hey guys, glad to hear getting to the ship was "ship-shape"! Happy travels to you. Also, I think you're only 1 day ahead of us, but I wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BEVERLY! (In case I forget what day it is here in South Carolina.) Love to you both. Be safe!
