Monday, May 10, 2010

Another Day at Sea

Humidity is an interesting phenomenon. My hair goes flat, I perspire heavily, and I have discovered a new effect of its destructive properties: my vitamins are disintegrating! I usually sort and fill my pill containers for two weeks. I am now into the second week’s container and the tablets are literally dissolving. When the bottle says to store item in a cool, dry place take it seriously!

I had two paintings in the watercolor student art show. I was surprised at the quality of work exhibited by the “passenger” artists. I hope to continue to attend the watercolor classes on the next segment of the cruise, if bridge doesn’t get in the way.

Today we enter the Persian Gulf, going through the Strait of Hormuzh (sp), where the Iranian navy is playing war games. Whoopee! We also passed Pakistan and Iran. Are we in a dangerous part of the world or what!

Being the good assistant bridge director, I was needed to play in the club championship game and I didn’t even complain about it. There were prizes to be won! I played with a lady who had never come to either a lesson or a game before. We played east/west and really thought we were doomed to last place as we had absolutely no cards and only played three boards the entire game. And here’s the drum roll …… we WON first place (east/west) with a 72% game! For you non-bridge folks, that is awesome. Michael was so proud of me and even wrote an email to Audrey Grant (our booking agent) singing my praises.

We were invited to dine with one of the bridge couples in their suite on the 10th floor. We get to leave the confines of the low rent district and are stepping up in the world, getting to see how the other half live. Ohhhh, nice. There were fresh flowers, caviar, shrimp, lobster claws and enough food to feed an army. Champagne and wine was poured by a butler. Every time I put a dirty plate down, the plate was immediately removed and I was given a fresh one. It wasn’t the food or the room or the butler, but the people. I felt like Cinderella, dressed up but totally out of place. We repaired to the dining room to a private table, and were served an outstanding Dover sole, champagne and wine, and a dessert made especially for our hosts. What service. This cruise line accommodates the culinary, dietary and religious needs of its passengers with such grace and elegance. I am blown away by this.

Our hosts were an elegant couple from Melbourne, Australia. He was born in Russia, raised in Poland, and emigrated to Australia in 1936. She is such a classy lady, very nice and sweet. Two other couples joined the group: an elegant couple from Brisbane (who were both concentration camp survivors) and the history lecturer and his wife. What a wonderful night with such interesting people. We surely were able to solve the world’s problems with this group.

I must say I have met some fascinating people from all around the world. What an enriching experience this has been.

Tomorrow is Dubai.


  1. Boy do you have the life or what! We're in Rhodes today,Beautiful city but doesn't stand a chance when compared to Israel. We had 3 wonderful days, could easily do another 3 weeks. Kissed the wailing wall! What an experience. 72% game, so why won't you play with me! Miss ya Carol

  2. You must be feeling better!! Nothing like good friends and good food to make you forget about everything else including your vitamins disolving! This is a good experience to give you a taste of what it will like on your 65 day cruise!

  3. wow, sounds fab! what an experience! i am so glad you have met some nice people. i would suck to be lonely on a ship full of people. cinderella, yes you are. thats a wonderful story to tell. i love you guys very much and cant wait till your home. be safe!!! and be safe!!! love deborah
