Friday, May 7, 2010

Birthday on the Arabian Sea

Today is my birthday! Michael remembered it with a beautiful card this morning. I miss my family and wish they could sing happy birthday to me. I received “singing” emails from my family and that made me very happy.

Today, I had to play bridge -- with Michael as my partner. We actually did OK and he didn’t even yell at me. I took a few risks in my bidding and was actually pleased with the results. We came in second and even earned master points. I have to give them back because Michael decided to disqualify himself as he only played to fill out a table.

While sitting at the bridge table, a very nice woman said to me that she heard about what happened in the laundry room the other day. I looked at her and she smiled and said she knew she would like me when she heard about it. Puzzled, I asked her what the hell she was talking about. It seems that this ship is like a little Peyton Place. She heard about my “pink” laundry. Yeah, ok, I did it. I turned my two white blouses and underwear PINK. I washed the skirt that I wore to the Shwedagon pagoda with everything I wore that night plus the accumulated laundry and I forgot that the underskirt was a raspberry colored cotton fabric – and it did bleed badly. I washed the white blouses again and got some of the pink dye out, but there was no bleach in the laundry room, so they are still slightly pink.

We attended Friday night Shabbat services, which was conducted by our very own Moshie. The ship provided the torah, candles, prayer books and yarmulkes. The service lasted about ½ hour. Afterward, we feasted on fresh challah bread, herring and gefilte (sp) fish and washed it down with wine. What a huge spread – and this was just before dinner. There were approximately 15 people that attended the services. Several people wished me a happy birthday and one of the other ladies announced it was her birthday, too. Same day, same year! She is from Sydney and everyone had a great time wishing us both a happy birthday.

Lennie ordered a Shabbat feast for our table of six for dinner. We had matzo ball soup and lamb chops as well as more fresh, hot from the oven challah bread. My dining companions had given me a beautiful flower arrangement for my birthday. The roving musicians came to our table and everyone sang happy birthday. It was a very nice evening.

There is a webcam in the computer lab and at the agreed upon time, we stood in front of it so Kelly could see us. Unfortunately, she was not able to get a connection. I was very disappointed as I had made up a sign to hold up in front of the camera.

All in all, it was a very pleasant birthday on the Arabian Sea.


  1. Hi Michael & Beverly:
    Reading your blog,it sounds like the trip is improving and getting more interesting. The birthday and Sabbath service was especially interesting. Hope you keep having a good time. Say hello to your friends there for me. Love -

  2. yes, a happy birthday it was, huh? sound fab! belle has a tball game today and another bday party to go to at her favorite place "kidsclub" in salmon creek. so it should be exhusting but fun. alan is going to a concert tonight and tomorrow we are going to marv and delores to have kfc. im getting my mothers day gift of a one time house cleaner. yay! gotta go, love deb
