Monday, April 19, 2010

The Packing Begins

The real fun began today with laundry and packing and paying bills and doctor appointments and you get the drift. My desk is piled high with papers and more papers; I think they just multiply while I am sleeping. Since I haven't fully unpacked all my "papers" from six months in the desert, I don't have a file to put the new papers in. Being somewhat anal, I have to separate the 2009 papers from the 2010 stuff before I can file the new stuff. Oh, George Carlin would be so proud of me!

Therefore, I have decided to procrastinate. Watching TV tonight sounds really good. Besides, my left foot hurts (for those that don't know, I have plantar fasciitis, which is a torn and inflamed tendon that goes from the heel of the foot to the ball of the foot and makes walking very painful) and got the third injection today in the bottom of my heel. Wonderful way to start a long trip with aching feet. Hope this injection of cortisone helps.


  1. You are going to be fine!! Once you get on the cruise ship you will leave all your cares behind you!! Now if only I could find a way to post this without being anonymous!

  2. I've always hated the "getting ready" to go somewhere. If I could just be transported to my destination by some magic and my bags would be packed and all the "have to dos" were done at home - how wonderful that would be. But no such luck! This too shall pass and you will get thru it somehow. We always do - don't we?

  3. Oh Bev, how lucky can you be to travel that many days. Go and enjoy the trip, I'm jealous. Still in the desert enjoying the wonderful wind, might rain tomorrow. I have always packed too much, you should see what I have here in the trailer. Going to Spain in the fall, I can hardly wait to start packing.
    Phyllis P (guild)
